It's official: she's sitting. Amazing how one week she teeters and the very next week she's so stable.
She also started army crawling in the last week. She scoots all over the place now. She moves at a snail's pace but it's probably time to baby proof!
Christmas Eve Eloise had her 6 month appointment with the pediatrician. Dr. Luft is moving clinics after January 6 and her schedule isn't open yet, so we got her in the last possible day. She got a clean bill of health and, even though she dropped a little below her growth curve in weight once, she's back up.
Height: 26 inches (62%)
Weight: 14 lbs 3 oz (20%)
Head circumference: 16.75 inches (64%)
This year was Eloise's first Christmas and we sent out photo cards. Here's the picture we chose:
Check out that face! She cracks me up.
Eloise's first Christmas didn't go as planned, there was a stomach bug at Evan's parents' house. Fortunately we found out about it right before our appointment with the pediatrician and discussed it with her, then gave it some thought, then decided not to risk exposure and stay in Portland. Babies can get very sick very fast as evidenced by my own experience requiring medical attention at 9 months old on Christmas Eve 1977 after being exposed to a bug with my dad's family. It was a rough couple of days missing family, but I'll share a couple of the highlights:
1. Eloise and Evan in front of the fireplace on Christmas Eve just before we reminisced about the highlights from 2013 over a cheese plate and mulled wine (thanks for the idea, Mom!).
2. Eloise opening her very first gift. She loved the bag and tissue paper. It was socks and a new bathing suit for swim lessons that start next month.
Our bathing beauty
Mock swimming
3. Enjoying thoughtful gifts from those who also love Eloise. There's nothing like Eloise getting loved on by loved ones.
Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?
The Twelve Dancing Princesses
Completing her Eloise puzzle. She's brilliant!
4. Enjoying the Christmas decor and singing along to Christmas carols. Rudolf the Red-Nosed Reindeer got the most smiles from Eloise.
Christmas cards and fireplace
Eloise's stocking
5. Grabbing holiday coffee drinks, going for a walk on the Eastbank Esplanade and Waterfront Park loop, and taking in the sunny views.