Shortly after entering the third trimester, at around 28 weeks, I took an oral glucose tolerance test to screen for Gestational Diabetes. Thankfully, this time I passed the 1-hour test, despite having eaten a half pint of ice cream the night before. Unfortunately I wasn't so lucky with iron, and like with Eloise, I tested anemic. With Eloise I took liquid iron supplements, which tasted metallic and nasty and I had a hard time adhering to taking it every day. So with my midwife's blessing I tried to increase iron intake with dietary changes instead. The recommendation for pregnant women is 27 mg of iron a day, so I ate a cup of Grape Nuts cereal every day, which has 32 mg of iron, plus a cup of orange juice to aid absorption. At the next prenatal visit I was retested and sadly was still anemic, so I went back to the liquid supplements. I got in a routine easily though. I guess I was so low in reserves at that point I just couldn't catch back up with diet alone.
We hired the same doula as we had with Eloise, her name is Carrie Cohen. We thought she was fabulous and provided great support during a long labor to both Evan and me. Even though labor and delivery isn't as scary this time, we still want the calm and confident support and guidance she provides. Plus she documented the labor and took our first photos, things we wouldn't have had otherwise. We had two appointments with her prior to birth, which included reviewing our birth plan and practicing labor positions and partner supports such as counter pressure and using a Rebozo. I'm also studying Hypnobirthing again by rereading the book and listening to the audio tracks every night.
At around 32 weeks, I began having low back pain that quickly worsened over the course of a few days. I have scoliosis - my spine curves in the shape of a C - and between a heavy belly pulling on my spine and relaxin loosening my joints and ligaments, the pain became quite severe. I couldn't walk from the bed to the adjacent bathroom without excruciating pain. After a trip to labor and delivery to rule out preterm labor, I was referred to an acupuncturist and advised other supportive measures like prenatal massage, a heating pad, and bed rest. I expected back pain with Eloise and never had it, so I didn't expect back pain with this pregnancy and got it. At first the news of bed rest was incredibly depressing. It required some quick adjustments including closing my practice a month earlier than planned with phone calls to all my clients, a change in childcare, and hiring support for all usual household duties including cleaning, groceries, pet care, etc. It was a hard adjustment but then once all of the Plan Bs were in place it got less stressful. After three weeks of twice weekly acupuncture, in addition to bed rest, two massages, and daily time with a heating pad, my pain has significantly improved. Even so, I hit my physical limits quickly so I continued to maintain the modified lifestyle until delivery.
This pregnancy I have also started to feel contractions earlier. When I went into labor and delivery for back pain, they kept me for several hours because I was registering contractions every three minutes. Like last pregnancy, I have an irritable uterus, which means I have frequent but irregular contractions that aren't actually labor. Annoying and uncomfortable, but something I'm used to that doesn't worry me this time.
At my 34 week appointment I had a cervical check and was 50% effaced but not dilated. That means my cervix has softened and shortened. Cervical checks really do not provide any insight into the timeline of labor and delivery but it's a good thing that my body is preparing. And, a quick ultrasound in the exam room confirmed that baby is head down and in a good position for a vaginal delivery. It also confirmed that he is quite large - or, as my midwife said, "healthy" and I'm "all baby." Weight gain has been about the same as with Eloise for most of the pregnancy, but at around 35 weeks has started to outpace her by a few pounds. I'm guessing it's a combination of being on bed rest and also having a larger kid in there.
Third trimester has been much more unpleasant this time around so I'm hoping for an even earlier labor and delivery than with Eloise. Especially because I think the kid is going to be bigger. Only 1.5 weeks until I'm full term and then he's welcome to make his entrance ASAP. I would much rather be holding him in my arms than in my belly. We are so very excited to meet him and complete our family.
We hired the same doula as we had with Eloise, her name is Carrie Cohen. We thought she was fabulous and provided great support during a long labor to both Evan and me. Even though labor and delivery isn't as scary this time, we still want the calm and confident support and guidance she provides. Plus she documented the labor and took our first photos, things we wouldn't have had otherwise. We had two appointments with her prior to birth, which included reviewing our birth plan and practicing labor positions and partner supports such as counter pressure and using a Rebozo. I'm also studying Hypnobirthing again by rereading the book and listening to the audio tracks every night.
At around 32 weeks, I began having low back pain that quickly worsened over the course of a few days. I have scoliosis - my spine curves in the shape of a C - and between a heavy belly pulling on my spine and relaxin loosening my joints and ligaments, the pain became quite severe. I couldn't walk from the bed to the adjacent bathroom without excruciating pain. After a trip to labor and delivery to rule out preterm labor, I was referred to an acupuncturist and advised other supportive measures like prenatal massage, a heating pad, and bed rest. I expected back pain with Eloise and never had it, so I didn't expect back pain with this pregnancy and got it. At first the news of bed rest was incredibly depressing. It required some quick adjustments including closing my practice a month earlier than planned with phone calls to all my clients, a change in childcare, and hiring support for all usual household duties including cleaning, groceries, pet care, etc. It was a hard adjustment but then once all of the Plan Bs were in place it got less stressful. After three weeks of twice weekly acupuncture, in addition to bed rest, two massages, and daily time with a heating pad, my pain has significantly improved. Even so, I hit my physical limits quickly so I continued to maintain the modified lifestyle until delivery.
This pregnancy I have also started to feel contractions earlier. When I went into labor and delivery for back pain, they kept me for several hours because I was registering contractions every three minutes. Like last pregnancy, I have an irritable uterus, which means I have frequent but irregular contractions that aren't actually labor. Annoying and uncomfortable, but something I'm used to that doesn't worry me this time.
At my 34 week appointment I had a cervical check and was 50% effaced but not dilated. That means my cervix has softened and shortened. Cervical checks really do not provide any insight into the timeline of labor and delivery but it's a good thing that my body is preparing. And, a quick ultrasound in the exam room confirmed that baby is head down and in a good position for a vaginal delivery. It also confirmed that he is quite large - or, as my midwife said, "healthy" and I'm "all baby." Weight gain has been about the same as with Eloise for most of the pregnancy, but at around 35 weeks has started to outpace her by a few pounds. I'm guessing it's a combination of being on bed rest and also having a larger kid in there.
Third trimester has been much more unpleasant this time around so I'm hoping for an even earlier labor and delivery than with Eloise. Especially because I think the kid is going to be bigger. Only 1.5 weeks until I'm full term and then he's welcome to make his entrance ASAP. I would much rather be holding him in my arms than in my belly. We are so very excited to meet him and complete our family.