Saturday, July 25, 2015

11 weeks old: swatting

We've had a couple chilly mornings recently and this is Oliver snuggled in a blanket for our morning stroller walk. He seemed pretty content and cozy and he fell asleep shortly after this photo was taken.

New recently is Oliver's hand-eye coordination. He is developing control over his arms and is swatting at toys in front of his face and loving it. It's hilarious and awesome to watch. I caught him on video thoroughly entertained. Password is Oliver2015.

I can't believe how quickly Oliver is growing. He just moved up to size 2 diapers and he's almost out of 3-6 month clothing.... and he's not even 3 months yet! He was swimming in his sun hat a month ago but now it's fitting well.

On Monday we went over to visit a friend with a 2 week old baby, and Oliver dwarfed him. So when we had some friends over on Thursday who have a 6.5 month old baby, I expected her to dwarf Oliver, but no! So out of curiosity I put him next to Eloise on the couch and I'm shocked at how big he is.

Saturday, July 18, 2015

10 weeks old: tongue discovery

Oliver is 10 weeks old today and when I look back on just a few weeks ago I see that he has really changed so much. He is more interactive, he is bigger, and his features are changing into his own unique look instead of the generic newborn look. He is interested in things around him and I notice him mesmerized by the ceiling fan, gazing at brightly colored artwork on the wall, and watching his sister with a smile. When we are on a stroller walk sometimes he'll be staring directly at me, and I know my features are probably fuzzy to him at that distance, but it is still so sweet. Oliver wakes up for the day sometime between 5:30-6:00 AM (!), which is when the sun is rising and lighting up the bedroom. He is always happy and smiling in the morning, which is when the above photo was taken. Rise and shine!

In the last week or so Oliver seems to have discovered his tongue and does a lot of rolling it around and sticking it in and out of his mouth. It's hilarious. I remember Eloise going through a tongue phase, too. Is it just my kids?

I think I've mentioned before that Oliver and Eloise bathe together before bedtime. It's so fun and Oliver really seems to like it. He doesn't fuss in the bathtub and he's all smiles once he's out, dressed in PJs, and clean. Eloise watches very intently when wash him and always reminds me to wash his elbows. 

Drying off:

All clean:

I am struck by how similar Oliver and Eloise look in their bath time photos around the same age. Eloise is 7 weeks in these photos, so a little younger:

Saturday, July 11, 2015

9 weeks old: cooing and growing

Oliver is filling our hearts with joy more and more every day. He has recently started cooing and it seems like he is trying very hard to hold up his end of a conversation. Everything he says takes quite a bit of effort but he makes the sweetest little sounds. I was able to capture it on video one day. The password is Oliver2015.

Oliver also continues to grow, of course, and is officially in 3-6 month clothing. He also had his 2-month well child visit with the pediatrician on Thursday and we got his stats. He continues to follow his growth curve and is healthy! He had to get four vaccinations: three in the legs and one orally. He screamed and I teared up but tried very hard to hold it together because Eloise was also in the room. Thankfully it passed quickly. One piece of mildly concerning news from that visit is Oliver's head is a bit misshapen on the right side. There's a flat spot on the side and the right side of his forehead sticks out a bit more than the left. I had never noticed. The pediatrician said it's not unusual because their skulls are so soft at this age and he likely favors having his head turned to the right when he's sleeping. She referred him to a physical therapist for further evaluation and recommendations. I felt awful for not even noticing and I really hope it resolves soon! I have been watching him since then and he actually seems to have his head facing both ways equally, so it's confusing. We'll find out more at that appointment hopefully.

Weight: 11 lbs. 10 oz. (33%)
Height: 23.75 in. (83%)
Head circumference: 15.5 in. (59%)

The past couple weeks have been near 100 degrees so we are careful how much time we spend outside. Mornings are cooler so one day we had a picnic breakfast at the park. Oliver seems to enjoy watching his sister and being a part of things.

Well, it's not just Oliver, it seems Eloise likes to be a part of his tummy time on the play mat, too. She's always laying down next to him and I think he likes it.

Saturday, July 4, 2015

8 weeks old: first fourth of July

Happy Fourth of July from this happy guy! Oliver has hit the ground running with his smiles. When his sister is sleeping and I have alone time with him, he is all smiles! Who knew he was such a happy guy? I love it. Most of the time you have to get right in front of his face so he can see you. But yesterday we went to family story time at the library and he was smiling the whole time. I have no idea what he was smiling about... maybe just the sounds he was hearing? There were songs being sung and stories being told, and some giggling kids. Here is another picture and a video of Oliver smiling this week. The video password is Oliver2015

In addition to smiling, Oliver continues to work on his neck strength. It seems to me he is getting so much more like an infant and less like a newborn so quickly! Time is flying.