Saturday, September 26, 2015

20 weeks old: pushing up and the swifts

Oliver has started pushing himself up on his arms, and up on his knees, but not at the same time yet. Between that and rolling, he ends up scooting himself around his crib and on the floor, but not very far. I know he is rolling front to back because I'll see him on his tummy, look away, and when I look back he's on his back. But I have yet to see it happen! I caught an almost roll on video but he didn't actually achieve it that time. The password is Oliver2015.

 On Tuesday, we took a picnic dinner to Chapman Elementary to watch the swifts roost in the school's chimney for the night, which they do every Fall. It was the first time any of us had ever been and what a cool thing to watch! I think Oliver's biggest enjoyment came from watching his sister and all the other children that were sitting around us.

Friday we had a play date at our house with friends Terri and Erica and their girls Finley and Nora. As usual, Oliver was there watching the action. The girls were so sweet with him, especially Finley who gently stroked his head. *melt*

Oliver continues to be a happy guy full of smiles and giggles. Here he is going for a bouncing ride on my knee. The password is Oliver2015.

Saturday, September 19, 2015

19 weeks old: Thumb sucking, teething rings, a check-up, and laughing

I tried to get Oliver to prop himself on his elbows for this photo but honestly, this is more accurate of what he does on his tummy. He is not yet rolling from front to back and I think it's because he insists on doing airplane with his arms! He must have a pretty strong back by now.

As Oliver improves his hand coordination he has become a thumb-sucker. On one hand I worry about breaking the habit down the road, but on the other it is handy because he can soothe himself at night without having to put a pacifier in his mouth. If it becomes a habit to break down the road we'll deal with it. Until then, he's so cute. Look at his sweet face.

Oliver is also getting better at holding things and bringing them to his mouth. This is going to open a whole new world of play and entertainment for him.

I realized that I don't take many photos of Oliver when we leave the house and I think that's because he spends so much time in the front carrier when we're out. That's the way I handle managing two kids. Last weekend we went to the Taste of Latin America and he got to taste some pupusas, enchiladas in mole sauce, and pineapple agua fresca indirectly. He also listened to some great live music.

Oliver had his 4 month check-up at the doctor this week. He is healthy and thriving. Doctor thinks he is in the middle of a growth spurt.

Height: 26.5" (91st percentile)
Weight: 15 lbs. 3 oz. (38th percentile)
Head circumference: 16.5" (62nd percentile)

Oliver has been squealing and laughing for a couple weeks but it's not a true belly laugh yet. Still, it's so joyful and I can't help but smile. Here's a video of him, plus an Eloise eye. Password is Oliver2015.

And finally, some randoms of the many faces of Oliver.

Saturday, September 12, 2015

18 weeks old: first visit to the coast

On Labor Day, we drove out to Cannon Beach for the day and Oliver got to see the ocean for the first time. That photo is his first time seeing it. To me he looks in awe. Both kids had a great time hanging out on the beach for a couple hours. I timed the drive for morning and afternoon naps and thankfully it worked out! No tears in the car at all. Here are a couple other pictures from that day.

A couple days later, on September 9, Oliver turned 4 months old. I reflected back on pictures from when he was first born and I can't believe how much he has grown and changed already.

As the weather begins to turn we are soaking up as much outdoor time as we can. We enjoyed another picnic lunch at the park this week. I was thinking someday soon he'll be able to go on the bucket swings, too, but right now his neck is still a little wobbly.

In sleep news, the past few nights Oliver has only woken up once at around 3:30 AM. I hesitate to even type that for fear it might jinx it! It's amazing for me. I feel almost normal.

In other exciting news, Oliver is also getting better about taking a bottle. Four days in a row he has taken several ounces in 15 minutes or less! However, it seems to only be for me. Grace the babysitter and my mother-in-law have both tried this week and he protested pretty significantly for both of them. But he did drink an ounce or two for both of them, too! I fear he will now only easily take a bottle from me, which is not really better from only nursing because it's still attaching to me, but I'm hopeful things will continue to improve with him taking a bottle.

And finally, big sister Eloise still loves to help out with little brother Oliver. She mimics me in the way I care for him and play with him. This morning she was mimicking a thing I do with their tiny noses and chubby baby cheeks. I tried to get it on video but then they both got mesmerized seeing themselves on camera, which was hilarious. The password is Oliver2015.

Sunday, September 6, 2015

17 weeks old: holding and 9 month clothes

In three days Oliver will be 4 months old! I looked back at earlier posts today and realize just how much Oliver has grown in that time. He is such a sweet little bundle of love.

We have had a stretch of chilly weather in the last week and have had to dress warmly for our morning stroller walks. Oliver is so cute in his cold weather attire.

He looks so different in that hat now! Here he is as a newborn when he first got it.

Speaking of clothing, he is solidly in 6-9 month clothing now. He's a growing boy!

In other news, Oliver is improving his gripping and holding skills. And of course, everything goes in his mouth that he can manage to get there. It's so exciting to witness him developing new skills.