Tuesday, November 27, 2012

8 weeks: Baby is the size of a raspberry

Well, I think I see a little post-Thanksgiving bloat belly and that's about it. My boobs are definitely starting to grow now.

It's been an exciting week around here. We spent the Thanksgiving holiday in Salem with Evan's family and enjoyed lots of good food and good company. I felt nauseous a lot of the time but it didn't get in the way of eating, I just had to lay down a while a few times. The car ride on the way to Salem got me nauseated so I laid down for a while as soon as we arrived. Evan said his sister asked if I was "pregnant nauseous" and he said no. It doesn't feel good to lie. That was the only time anyone said anything to either one of us.

The night we got home I started to have some cramping. I didn't think much of it and went to bed. The next morning I woke up with more cramping and some significant bleeding and I started to worry about miscarrying. I called the Advice Nurse and she told me to go to Urgent Care. Evan and I headed to Urgent Care around 8:00 AM and started with a blood draw for lab work and pee in a cup for confirming the pregnancy. While we waited for the labs we met with a nurse in triage and got some vitals, I was next up for a room. We went back to the waiting room and the lab results came in, I could check them online. Positive pregnancy test, blood type O, Rh positive, white and red blood cell counts within normal ranges. Once I was roomed Dr. Wong came in and performed a pelvic exam. I had some stabbing pains on the left side of my abdomen and she suspected I may have an ectopic pregnancy, where the embryo is not in the uterus. She ordered more blood work (another stick!) and an ultrasound to see if there was a baby in my uterus or not. After Evan left the room for my second blood draw, they escorted us to the ultrasound room. We spent probably 1/2 hour in the ultrasound room where the technician looked at each of my ovaries and uterus taking measurements along the way. There was a big TV on the wall so we could see what she was looking at. When she got to the uterus she said, "See? There's your baby!" and we saw a little heart beating rapidly and rhythmically. I said, "Just one baby? No other baby anywhere else?" And she said, "Just one baby." It was amazing to see that little nugget alive and wiggling around and heart pumping. It made me feel better to see the baby alive, but I still felt uneasy not knowing if anything was wrong. We were escorted back to our room and the doctor came back in to share results of the labs and ultrasound. She said that everything looked normal and the baby's development was consistent with 8 weeks gestation! She said the cramping and bleeding are just normal symptoms of my uterus growing. What a scare that ended with a big positive. And we got our first baby pictures!

7 weeks 5 days

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