Wednesday, December 26, 2012

12 weeks: baby is the size of a plum

We're two days late on this one because we're in Arizona for the Christmas holiday and got distracted by the festivities. Took the photo at my mom's house.

The big news this week with baby's development is reflexes. Apparently if we poke my belly the baby will move in response. I still feel nothing. Also, baby's eyes and ears have moved into the right spots so he or she is not looking so much like an alien anymore.

I don't feel as nauseous in the last few days as I had been, hopefully this continues. I'm still exhausted a lot of the time. The biggest thing for me this week is busting out of some of my pants. I can still button some - like the jeans I'm wearing in these photos with a forgiving waist - but my belly is pretty sensitive these days and the restriction of a waistband is pretty uncomfortable. I wore maternity pants for the first time yesterday, some red courderoys with a demi panel (a 3" elastic waistband). I don't know why all pants aren't made that way because they're so dang comfortable!

It has been fun to spend time with my family for the holiday. We went to the Desert Botanical Gardens on Sunday night for their annual luminarias event with 12 live music acts around the grounds. Christmas Eve was my niece and nephew's in the Christmas play at an outdoor mass. Christmas day the whole family came over for a meal and gifts, including two uncles and an aunt! The hit gift was the wood stick figures with moveable limbs that we all got from my sister, Jill. Here's Evan's posed as Karate Kid.

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