Monday, March 25, 2013

25 weeks: ultrasounds & sewing projects

No change in produce this week. Baby is about 13.5" long and I know from our growth ultrasound last week she's weighing about 1 lb 6 oz, right on track. Fit Pregnancy says she's about the size of a small sack of sugar. Her little nostrils, which were plugged, are now open. She's also growing more hair just like her mama.

We had our monthly growth ultrasound last Wednesday and it was so great to see her again. Being high risk has its perks. The tech measured the length of all her limbs, her spine, the circumference of her head, her belly, etc. The tech said she's measuring right to the day. Very reassuring. This time baby was upside down with her spine running up my right side. I can never tell how she's positioned. I feel her moving around all the time but I have no idea what's going on in there. Yesterday Evan talked to her up close and she responded by doing some acrobatics. I wonder if she recognizes his voice yet. As usual, we got some photos from the ultrasound.

Here she is laying on her back (which is actually my right side) with her arm up making a little fist:

And here is her little leg bent at the knee:

I continue to feel pretty good. I had a cold for a couple days last week and the cough is still lingering but it's not bad at all. My appetite is definitely back full force and I'm gaining weight again. My belly continues to grow, which is so fun. I can't fasten my coats anymore. As luck would have it, I was gifted a hand-me-down mint green maternity trench coat last week. It's really cute and perfect for Spring. Surprisingly my running gear still fits, I just wear the waistbands under my belly. Running has gotten uncomfortable - my back kills afterward and my belly feels like it may rip off my body. BUT. I just got the most wonderful invention ever - the Gabrialla maternity support belt. I wore it for the first time yesterday and it was AMAZING. No back pain, no bouncing belly. The only thing it doesn't relieve is pressure on my bladder but a couple minutes of walking here and there keeps me from feeling like I'm going to have an accident. I can't say enough good things about the Gabrialla belt. 

In other news, I got a sewing machine for my birthday last week and got right to work on some projects for baby. My first sewing project was a baby circle skirt to pair with onesies (thanks for the pattern, Pinterest). Yesterday I got some fabric for making crib bedding, a pillow for the chair, wall hangings, and curtains. So far it's been fun and gives me a sense of accomplishment. Here's a picture of the first circle skirt (I promptly made 5 more):


  1. Glad you're feeling good, gaining, and had a great ultrasound! The skirt is adorable. Your baby will look so cute in them!

  2. I love that skirt!!! so cute. Oh and the baby is cute too ;)
