Monday, June 10, 2013

36 weeks: nesting and shower photos

I think watermelon must be the produce reference from here on out. Nothing new happening with Eloise's development this week, she's continuing to gain weight at the rate of about an ounce a day. At the end of this week we'll be considered full term and she'll be perfectly safe to come out into the world.  Full term is considered anytime in the range of 37-42 weeks. I'd prefer she make her entrance on the front end.

I feel huge and uncomfortable 24/7. Contractions are more frequent every day but mostly not painful nor regular. Eloise seems to be pretty crowded in there as well. She's so big and powerful now with her movements that sometimes it feels like she's beating me up from the inside. The weight and low position of baby makes it hard to walk and it is more painful on my separated symphysis pubis now. My 10+ hour workdays are pure torture. I'm leaking fluids from several body parts. I haven't slept through the night in weeks. I just. Can't. Get. Comfortable. I cry almost daily like a lunatic. I guess this is the part of pregnancy that makes you ready for labor and delivery. Oh, I'm ready. I'd like to push the fast forward button and get to the part when Eloise is ready, too. Evan has a guess of a delivery date of June 28. I don't have a guess. I do, however, have a strong wish for June 18. Exactly 37 weeks.

Aside from the temporary discomforts of pregnancy, Evan and I are giddy with excitement to bring Eloise into the world and into our little family. I mean absolutely, over-the-top, kids on Christmas Eve excited. Evan is more involved with my belly than ever feeling Eloise's movements with awe, talking to her, singing to her. We're trying to freshen up on children's songs. Is it twinkle, twinkle little star, how I wonder what you are or where you are? I imagine her little fingers wrapping around mine with her brand new fingernails, her little face making expressions I have never seen, her little legs kicking, her eyes taking it all in, getting to hear her voice for the very first time. And here's my daily cry kicking in. I can't fathom the possibility of loving her any more than I already do. She is so loved and so wanted.

In the last week or two I think my nesting instinct has kicked into overdrive. According to the Mayo Clinic, nesting is a primal instinct to clean and organize that can happen months before your due date but is usually strongest just before delivery. I feel like I just kicked into overdrive with preparations. I've done probably a dozen loads of laundry washing every stitch of baby clothing, bedding, boppy covers, changing pad covers, blankets, you name it. Basically anything that might touch baby has been washed, folded, and put away. Evan and I made a list of projects to complete around the house and almost all have been checked off - cleaning out the freezer, replacing the bathroom fan, unclogging a slow drain, buying a pressure washer and washing all the walkways and patio, installing power door locks, etc. I made a spendy trip to Babies 'R Us to stock up on the rest of the things we think we'll use immediately. I bought some toiletries and snacks from Target today to put in the hospital bag. We want to be ready for Eloise's arrival!

And finally, here's a handful of photos from the baby shower a week ago. First, here's me with my dear friend, Kellee. I bought and saved that dress just for the shower and loved it!
Erica and Terri put together quite the spread with a couple kinds of finger sandwiches, these AMAZING chopped chicken salad in pasta shells, sweet potato salad, veggies and spinach dip, a cake, and lots of tasty drink options. And, these adorable little bottle-shaped rice krispie treats!
 This picture shows some of the onesies we decorated hung by clothespins behind me. Love them!


  1. It sounds like you are ready in every way to meet Eloise! I think that when you meet her, you will be blindsided by a kind of love that blows this love you're feeling now away...just because you will put a face, smell, sound and soul to everything you are imagining now. She is so lucky to be so very wanted :)

  2. I am loving the name Eloise each time I see you use it. It's just so cute! You're on the home stretch!! Hang in there. I sense you're excitement to meet her.
