Thursday, September 19, 2013

11 weeks: crib napping, first trip, and feet

This week we have started letting Eloise take some of her naps in her crib. We want to get her used to it  in hopes it will make the transition from sleeping in a bassinet in our room to the crib in her room easier.  We have a video monitor in her room that connects to our wifi so we can watch her from an app on our iPhones and iPad. The very first time she napped in her crib we were both glued to our iPhones downstairs.
first nap in the crib!

In other news, Eloise took her first trip out of town last weekend to Salem to celebrate her Grandpa Harris' birthday and 40th anniversary of passing the bar exam. It was about an hour drive and she slept the whole way. The way back was another story. Eloise got to spend time with all of her aunts, uncles, cousins, grandparents, and even a second cousin on her dad's side of the family. While we were in Salem we also went to see Great Grandma Harris and had a nice visit. 
Great Grandma Harris, Eloise, Evan, Marin, Emily, and Nora
Why is my child the only one with devil eyes?

Great Grandma and Eloise

And finally, feet have come into view for Eloise. Those fascinating things at the end of her legs. I've caught her several times this past week studying her feet. I wonder if it has something to do with brightly colored socks. When she gets excited she kicks, which is exciting to watch, so she kicks some more... well you get the point.
Foot entertainment while mama cooks

And for no particular reason aside from I think my daughter is cute...
That face! 

1 comment:

  1. what a special day for Eloise and the family. Spy Cam- ha. I love it
