Thursday, January 9, 2014

27 weeks old: First day at daycare, yogurt, and saying "ga"

Eloise had 6 month photos taken at the mall this week. She wouldn't smile for anything. The above photo is the closest she got to a smile. It was interesting to compare her 6 month photos to her newborn photos. Our little girl is growing up!
At 8 days old and at 6 months old

Eloise had her first day at daycare this week. It was a Very Big Deal for all of us. I cried at drop-off but was fine once I got busy at work. When I picked her up 5 1/2 hours later she was swatting at a hanging toy on the floor. She turned to glance at me briefly when I said her name and then went back to swatting the toy. I was apparently chopped liver. Today there were no tears at drop off and when I picked her up she was asleep in the arms of one of her caretakers. She'd had two naps and three bottles. Things seem to be going well so far. Although I will say, I swear she smells like crayons when I pick her up. 
Dropping off at daycare, day #1

Eloise tried a new food this week, yogurt. After getting past the bite of the tanginess, she seemed to like it.
My aunt Jill loves me and I love yogurt

Another development this week is the addition of a consonant to Eloise's vocabulary! The letter G. Woot woot! She repeats "Ga… ga…." over and over. Here's a very dark video of her saying it once and me saying it 500 times:
And finally, I keep forgetting to post this class photo from the second to last day at Music Together. We're second from the left and all you can see is the top of Eloise's head and an arm. Mom fail.

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