Wednesday, February 19, 2014

33 weeks old: Aunt Kate, swinging, and some videos

First time in the shopping cart yesterday

Aunt Kate came for a visit last weekend and met Eloise for the first time. They were fast friends. Eloise enjoyed watching her make faces, getting lots of snuggles and smooches, and being able to grab and gum her face to her heart's content.  

The day Kate arrived was sunny and dry so we walked up to Irving Park where Eloise had her first experience in a bucket swing. She loved it! I watch this video over and over:

It looks like the days of Eloise hanging out in the bouncy seat while I take a shower are officially over. A moment of silence for the loss, please.
This belt is no match for me

Every week brings new foods to try, and this week a new favorite emerged: mangos. She could eat them all day long, just like her daddy.
Very. Excited. For mangos.

I tried my hand at sewing a sleep sack for Eloise, this one is made from a waffle fabric. It wasn't very hard so I think I'll make a couple more. It cost less than half the price of buying one ($12 vs $27). More importantly, the process from finding the pattern to selecting the materials to measuring, cutting, pinning, and sewing.... all done with mountains of love.
Let's call it a Love Sack

And finally, Eloise is *so close* to crawling and I keep grabbing the camera thinking it's The Big Moment. It's so interesting that crawling is a natural development, no teaching involved at all.

1 comment:

  1. she's so close to crawling! Go Eloise go! I love her wildly kicking legs in the swing, that is the cutest.
