Very interested in the other kids
The Harris Clan
I like Grandpa, especially his mustache
This week I tried my hand at making some teething biscuits, a recipe for "baby biscotti." Here is her first experience with a homemade baby biscotti:
On Wednesday Eloise had her 9 month check up, a little bit early because her pediatrician will be out of the office for a couple weeks. We were asked to fill out a 5-page questionnaire called the ASQ-3 that assesses five developmental areas: communication, gross motor, fine motor, problem-solving, and personal-social. It required that we run her through some exercises and activities. She passed! Thankfully no vaccinations this appointment and she continues to follow her growth curve, despite a little appetite set-back with non-pneumonia (on second read of her x-ray by the radiologist, turns out it wasn't pneumonia!).
Height: 27.4" (47%)
Weight: 15 lb 9 oz (12%)
Head circumference: 17.24" (53%)
Eloise is growing and growing! Sweet pictures of her with the grandparents