I see you, Grandpa
The next day we celebrated Mother's Day with a picnic and a hike at Mt. Talbert Nature Park, and then after Eloise's nap we went to a neighborhood park and sat in the grass for a while. It was such a nice day!
My heart belongs to Mommy
Eloise's onesie made me think about when I was pregnant with her a year ago, and her little heart was growing inside me right next to my own. I was surprised how sentimental I got reflecting on how much joy this little lady has brought into my life. Even though she's only 10 months old it seems like she has been in my life forever. I just can't imagine life without her!
Mother's Day 2013
Mother's Day 2014
In the last week or so, Eloise has been standing on her own for 5-10 seconds at a time fairly frequently. I never want to move far away from her to grab the camera when she does it, and when I try to get her to do it camera-in-hand she won't! So no photos yet.
Finally, a couple randoms from the week:
Blueberry beard
Tippy toe window watching
what a sweet day for you all. Glad your first Mother's Day was so special.