Eloise is all about walking while holding onto fingers these days. She wants to do it All. The. Time. Anytime we go somewhere she has to get the wiggles out at some point by walking around a bit. Here we are having breakfast at Grand Central Bakery last weekend and Evan took her for a walk. She always smiles ear-to-ear!
Eloise has been expanding her "vocabulary" by babbling with different sounds and inflections. I heard N this week, I don't think I've heard that sound from her before. She seems to be talking in her own language. I love it! I noticed her mimic "All done" the other day so we repeated it back and forth a few times. I would never understand it if she didn't say it right after me but it's really cool to see her learning language.
As Eloise nears her first birthday, I've been thinking more about starting the weaning process just afterward. I've been experimenting a little with the don't offer/don't refuse method this week just to see how she would respond. Sometimes she asks by fussing or just pulling on my shirt, and other times we'll go a longer stretch. It's bittersweet to think about losing this special connection we have but also having more freedom. As she's gotten older she is now doing some acrobatics while nursing, which is hilarious. She also continues to expand her palate, which is fun to see her reaction to new foods.
Spaghetti squash and meatballs
And a couple randoms from the week:
This is new - where did she learn it?!
Evan took these through the patio door - silly Eloise!
good walking! She really looks very happy on the move :)