Saturday, May 30, 2015

3 weeks old: Oliver moves up a size

This little guy turned 3 weeks old today! It's hard to believe that just three weeks and a day ago he was still cooking in my belly. I look at him and can't figure out how he fit! I wonder if he remembers anything about life on the inside.

In the last week Oliver has grown out of newborn clothing and diapers and is now in 3 month clothes and size 1 diapers. He is a growing boy! Just this morning his umbilical cord finally fell out. If it hadn't fallen out by Monday we were supposed to call the pediatrician. I don't know what they would have done but now we don't have to worry about it.

We're all figuring out life as a family of four... well, five including Gertie the dog. Logistics have to be figured out for every activity. Showering, making breakfast, getting everyone dressed, going to the store, laundry, going to the bathroom, everything you can think of. Evan has been off of work for three weeks and we have relied on the strategy of each taking a kid a lot. When he returns to work next week that will all change. Not only is this Evan's last week home, it was also Eloise's last week at daycare and our last week of getting meals every other day from friends that organized a meal train for us. Sink or swim next week!

Speaking of the meal train, one of my friends also brought this adorable knitted hat for Oliver. I think it'll fit perfectly in the Fall:

We've had some great weather recently and started up the after dinner walks again. Now we have a double jog stroller so Oliver and Eloise are side-by-side. Here's our first outing in the new stroller:

We've also ventured out to eat a couple times with both kids, just to places that are within walking distance. Here's Evan with Oliver in the front carrier while I push Eloise in the single stroller. We each prefer a different front carrier - Evan the Baby Bjorn and me the Beco Gemini - so they are each adjusted to our bodies and hanging by the front door.

Have I mentioned the dimples on this kid? They are adorable. Once he starts to smile, watch out.

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

2 weeks old: settling into home life

Oliver had his newborn photos taken at 8 days old, at a place in the mall using a Groupon, just like his sister. We brought both kids and it was challenging to wrangle them both, even though Evan and I were both there! We're getting used to managing two kids. Oliver was awake and alert through the whole portrait session, sometimes crying, but we got a couple good pictures. Later, Picture People emailed us a digital file of "our favorite" picture from the session. I think it looks like Eloise just pinched Oliver.

For the first solid week of Oliver's life I was in bed a lot recovering from birth. It was nice to bond with him but I also missed being active with Eloise. It's amazing how long I can be content just staring at Oliver. He is so precious!

Oliver continues to nurse well and cycle through the eat-sleep-poop routine every 2-3 hours. He had his 2-week appointment with the pediatrician when he was 13 days and the doctor pronounced him healthy and thriving!

Weight: 8 lb 8 oz (52%)
Height: 21.75" (95%)
Head circumference: 14.5" (82%)

Eloise has been mostly helpful and gentle with her baby brother. Here she is next to him on the floor during tummy time patting him on the back. Speaking of tummy time, he has a really strong neck already and doesn't protest tummy time!

I took both kids to the store for the first time ever, just before Oliver turned two weeks old. It was a little scary because it's two ticking time bombs and not just one! But it went awesome and both kids were content. Here's Eloise in the cart and Oliver in the front carrier. He basically slept through the whole thing.

Sunday, May 17, 2015

1 week old: Introducing Oliver James Zuber-Harris

Our beautiful baby boy, Oliver James, entered the world at 6:18 AM on Saturday, May 9, 2015. He weighed 8 lbs. 3 oz. and measured 21.5" long at birth. This picture was taken the day he was born.

When I was 37 weeks pregnant, I learned that Oliver had flipped to breech since my last prenatal visit. It was really unusual at that point and unlikely that he would flip back to head down. Nevertheless, I tried many techniques over the next few days to get him to turn including a couple appointments with a chiropractor certified in the Webster technique, moxibustion with an acupuncturist, Spinning Babies inversions several times a day, playing music low on my belly to draw his head down, doing handstands in the pool, and finally an external cephalic version at the hospital. At my follow up "position check" appointment five days later he was still breech so a c-section was scheduled for May 13. After a day of wallowing, I got back on the horse and began doing inversions again and scheduled another appointment with the chiropractor and for another version. One day I felt his knobby little head just above my right hip, so I quickly got into an inversion, played Beatles low on my belly, and begged him to keep turning all the way head down. After about 20 minutes his head disappeared but I also couldn't feel what his position was at all. Same with all day the next day - no knobby head, but hard to tell what position he was in. The following day at my chiropractor appointment, she said she thought he was indeed head down, so I drove straight to the OB/GYN office and walked in asking for a position check ultrasound. The lovely nurses obliged and, thank goodness, he had flipped! I cried with relief.

After he flipped, I started having more contractions and more downward pressure. I could tell things were moving along. A few days later I had another prenatal appointment and learned I was 5 cm dilated. My midwife and I looked at each other in disbelief - isn't that technically active labor? - but she sent me home because my contractions weren't regular nor very intense. That night my contractions indeed became regular and intense so we called my mother-in-law to watch Eloise and drove to the hospital arriving around midnight. At admission I was 6 cm dilated and definitely in active labor so we called our doula to come to the hospital. She was fabulous, just like last time, and coached me through increasingly intensifying contractions. I got into the birthing tub immediately, which felt great, and within about an hour I was dilated to 8.5 cm. Since I was advancing so quickly, staff got the delivery table ready and I got out of the tub since they don't allow water births. I sat on the birthing ball for a while, and my labor slowed down a bit, so I did other standing, sitting, hands and knees, and side-laying labor positions. I hung out at around 8.5 cm for about 3.5 hours despite the efforts and decided to have my bag of waters broken. I remembered being stuck at this point of labor with Eloise for 10 hours - also unmedicated - and decided ahead of time I wouldn't let that happen again. Oliver's head was positioned in an awkward position - head back instead of chin tucked to chest - so there was a risk that breaking the bag of waters could result in him descending in a bad position. But, nothing else was working, and he was essentially bobbing around in the amniotic fluid. As soon as the bag of waters was broken, I had an overwhelming urge to push and the midwife said I was dilated enough to do so, so I did. After his head came out, his shoulder got stuck, so I had to hold off until the midwife could reach in and attempt to corkscrew his shoulder around. Another good push and he was out, just 13 minutes after breaking my bag of waters. Just like his sister, he came out with a hand by his face. Unlike his sister, he had a full head of dark hair already about an inch long. He let out a SUPER loud cry - what a set of lungs on this kid! Healthy all around, and after two hours of skin-to-skin first with me and then with Evan, he was weighed and foot printed and all the other usual newborn things. Also just like his sister, he latched and started breastfeeding like a pro immediately. We are so grateful for another healthy baby to complete our family.

Later that afternoon, my mother- and father-in-law came to visit along with Eloise. Eloise said hello to Oliver and gently petted him, then barely paid him any mind after that. There were too many interesting things in the hospital room to explore! Here she is meeting Oliver:

We stayed at the hospital two days and then returned home. The day after we got home my mom arrived from Phoenix. We've been settling into life with two kids with the support of my mom and also Evan has two weeks of paternity leave from work. It has been challenging to manage two kids - a tiny newborn on an eat-sleep-poop 2-hour rotation, and a rambunctious toddler. However, even just a week into it, it's hard to imagine life before. It feels like Eloise and Oliver have always been here. What a joy they both are.