Wednesday, May 27, 2015

2 weeks old: settling into home life

Oliver had his newborn photos taken at 8 days old, at a place in the mall using a Groupon, just like his sister. We brought both kids and it was challenging to wrangle them both, even though Evan and I were both there! We're getting used to managing two kids. Oliver was awake and alert through the whole portrait session, sometimes crying, but we got a couple good pictures. Later, Picture People emailed us a digital file of "our favorite" picture from the session. I think it looks like Eloise just pinched Oliver.

For the first solid week of Oliver's life I was in bed a lot recovering from birth. It was nice to bond with him but I also missed being active with Eloise. It's amazing how long I can be content just staring at Oliver. He is so precious!

Oliver continues to nurse well and cycle through the eat-sleep-poop routine every 2-3 hours. He had his 2-week appointment with the pediatrician when he was 13 days and the doctor pronounced him healthy and thriving!

Weight: 8 lb 8 oz (52%)
Height: 21.75" (95%)
Head circumference: 14.5" (82%)

Eloise has been mostly helpful and gentle with her baby brother. Here she is next to him on the floor during tummy time patting him on the back. Speaking of tummy time, he has a really strong neck already and doesn't protest tummy time!

I took both kids to the store for the first time ever, just before Oliver turned two weeks old. It was a little scary because it's two ticking time bombs and not just one! But it went awesome and both kids were content. Here's Eloise in the cart and Oliver in the front carrier. He basically slept through the whole thing.


  1. Brave mama, venturing out with both youngins! Glad it worked out well...this time ;)

  2. I love the Picture People picture- both of their expressions are so great. Congrats on your first solo outing!
