Saturday, August 1, 2015

12 weeks old: rolling!

Major Cutie reporting for duty. Major news this week: Oliver is rolling! He had rolled both front to back and back to front a handful of times before now but I wrote it off as accidents. However, as of yesterday, he is a rolling machine and there's no denying it anymore. He can do both ways if you set him up on his back or belly to start, but he can't do sequential rolls by himself yet. This has made sleeping hard because I'll put him on his back to sleep and he'll roll to his belly, get stuck, and cry. Soon enough he'll master it. I've been trying to catch him rolling but I only got a photo post-roll and a brief video of the end of a roll. Password is Oliver2015.

I think I mentioned that at Oliver's 2 month well child visit the pediatrician noticed a flat spot on the right side of his head and referred him to physical therapy. That appointment happened last week. The pediatric physical therapist was wonderful and gave us a lot of hope for recovery in a couple months. In her assessment she noted that Oliver prefers to turn his head to the right and also tilt his head to the right. She said usually only babies who were breech tilt and turn in the same direction, which confused her because she read the chart notes from his birth and knows he wasn't born breech. I told her that he actually was breech up until a few days before birth and she said that explains it. The flat spot, tilting, and turning his head to the right was a result of being pushed up against my ribs. She even pointed to the spot where his head must have been on the upper right side of my belly, and she was right! That was exactly where I felt his knobby little head. He has a left muscular torticollis and mild positional plagiocephaly. She gave us some techniques to stretch the right side of his neck and to draw his attention to turn his head to the left. By having him turn left it gives the flat spot a chance to heal and as his brain grows it will also push it out. She said it won't create a flat spot on the left side of his head in part because as his neck gets stronger he'll be holding it up more and he'll become more associated to the midline instead of one way or the other. 

In other news, I'm realizing that the bat costume I bought for Halloween before Oliver was born will probably not fit in a couple months after I tried it on him.

And speaking of hanging out with big sister Eloise, this kid loves watching her!

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