Saturday, December 12, 2015

31 weeks old: 7 months old, scooting, and his own room

Look who's 7 months old! It's the baby in the penguin pajamas. So cute. Eloise wanted to be a part of the action so she got in the picture and put her arm around her little brother. Be still my heart. She is so sweet to Oliver and he looks up at her with stars in his eyes.

These two continue to interact more and more and it warms my heart so much. Eloise gives Oliver lots of hugs and kisses and he smiles ear-to-ear. When Eloise reads him a book he is very engaged. He wants to explore everything with his hands and mouth and it's hard for Eloise to understand that babies just grab and don't know better. So during stories or when she's making stuffed animals talk to him, there's a lot of "Oliver, stop!"

This week Oliver started scooting ... but backward. I can see him look at something he wants and then start scooting backward. I imagine he's thinking, "Hey, I'm going the wrong way!" I haven't captured it on video yet because I've only seen it happen once. However, he is also getting up on hands and knees and rocking many times a day. I did capture that on video, and the password is Oliver2015.

Other big news this week is that Oliver got his own room. Eloise hasn't napped in a couple weeks and has been sabotaging his nap, likewise when I want to let him cry a bit in the night to see if he can self-soothe before I go in, she gets woken up. I knew I'd split them up eventually but I was hoping for a couple years together first. Oh well. So far Oliver has spent 2-3 nights alone and he seems to be adjusting well.

Finally, new food this week were reconstituted and pureed Turkish figs. As usual, thumbs up.

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