Sunday, January 31, 2016

38 weeks old: standing and a trip to Powells

Someone's getting stronger at standing! Oliver is still really unstable but he seems to really enjoy standing while holding onto something. Especially if Eloise is on the other end playing with Legos.

We got a hand-me-down activity cube this week from a neighbor and, even though the age recommendation is 3+, Oliver gets more enjoyment from it than Eloise. There's a lot to swat, finger, and move. And, he can stand at it or sit at it.

Oliver had his first visit to Powell's City of Books this week. They have a great selection of children's new and used books. Well, they have a great selection of most kinds of books because it's just a huge bookstore. Oliver got a board book called The Lost Owl. 

Saturday, January 23, 2016

37 weeks old: first puppet show and a balloon

Monday was Martin Luther King, Jr. Day and Evan had the day off of work, so we all went out to see a puppet show with some friends from my moms group. It was a packed house and Oliver enjoyed the show as well as looking around at all the people there. All these experiences are so new to him I would love to know what he is thinking.

Another day we went grocery shopping and Eloise was pointing out all the red heart balloons at the check out. She loves balloons. The checker was one we've had several times and remembered us, and he was so kind and gave Eloise one of the balloons. It has been a favorite toy this week in the house for both kids. Here's Oliver completely tickled watching the balloon. The password is Oliver2015.

Not much else to report for the week as a stomach bug hit our house on Wednesday. Luckily it seems to has dodged Oliver and Eloise so far, and hopefully it stays that way. I continued to pump what I could get (my supply plummeted), and hopefully he was able to receive antibodies in the milk to help protect him.

Saturday, January 16, 2016

36 weeks old: Gertie, a new car seat, and swim lessons

This week, Gertie had a play date at our house. After she had a frisbee session at the park she was an angel for several hours. She continues to be so gentle and tolerant of the kids and just wants to be a part of things. Oliver gets so excited to see her and he squeals and kicks his legs.

Oliver is growing like a weed and has outgrown his infant car seat! I realized the harness was at the highest setting and was still too low, plus his head was starting to hang off the top. So now he has the latest model of the same Britax Marathon convertible car seat that his sister has. Here he is getting fitted before putting it in the car.

And here he is on his first ride in the new car seat.

I love that little smirk face he makes.

This week we tried out a play cafe near our house called Poa Cafe. Oliver eats three meals a day now so he always gets to eat at the table with us in a high chair. He loved looking around at all the kids and especially watching big sister Eloise.

New foods this week included beets and eggs. He's getting more accustomed to different textures and slightly more proficient at getting finger foods in his mouth. Here he is working on grasping a piece of egg.

Oliver had his second swim lesson this week. He was in the water with his dad this time. Like last time, he was unhappy at first and took a bit of time to get more comfortable in the water. But, by the end he was more comfortable and not making a sad little pouty face. Here he is with Evan just before getting in the pool.

And here he is with his buddy, Will, who is two months younger. Their sisters are friends and their parents were in the same childbirth preparation class three years ago.

Saturday, January 9, 2016

35 weeks old: 8 months old, first snow, and first swim lesson

About every other year in Portland it snows enough to stick and, fortunately for Oliver, this was one of those years! First, I sat him in front of the sliding glass door and let him watch then snow fall.

Then, we all bundled up and went outside to take it in. I think Oliver felt a little unsure and was not a fan of the cold, however, he did enjoy watching Eloise and other kids playing at the park. We also went on a walk around the neighborhood.

Oliver continues to expand his palette and this week he tried yogurt and quartered and peeled grapes. He works very hard on his pincer grasp and will get a piece in his hand and bring it to his mouth, try to shove it in, and end up sucking his thumb with the piece of food still clenched in his palm. It takes lots of effort and many attempts to get one piece of food in his mouth. He spends a lot of time sucking his thumb at mealtime and I'm not sure what that's about. I hold up a spoon of food for him to see and he'll often take his thumb out and open his mouth, but not always. It almost seems like the thumb-sucking helps him move the food from the front to the back of his mouth. I'm not intervening on it at this point in hopes he'll learn on his own.

I also let him try sucking from a pouch on his own instead of spoon feeding this week. There was just a little bit left in the pouch but I think he got it.

Bath time keeps getting more fun with Oliver and Eloise together. This week Eloise and Oliver worked on their splashing skills in preparation for today's swim lesson. The password to the video is Oliver2015.

Today is a big day for two reasons: first, Oliver turned 8 months old! And second, he had his first swim lesson. No photos as both kids were in lessons and both parents on duty, but I did get a photo of him in the car passed out afterward.

And finally, some randoms from the first snow day. Such a sweet face.

Saturday, January 2, 2016

34 weeks old: first new years and finger foods

It was a fairly uneventful week at our house. We kicked off the week with a trip to the grocery store and Oliver rode next to his sister in a car themed grocery cart. For the first time he tolerated riding in the cart. The view of those two sitting next to each other warms my heart.

Later in the week we met up with a friend and her two kids at an indoor play area called Monkey King Play House. Oliver hung out in the front carrier facing out and watched the other kids play. He kicked his legs and squealed while he watched. After a break to nurse, he faced in and took a nap. It was an exciting morning for him even from his perch.

New foods tried this week were a homemade butternut squash puree, which he enjoyed alone and also mixed with applesauce. He also tried broccoli in a puree pouch with peas and pears. He's had more opportunities to practice with finger foods and actually gets one in his mouth once in a while. Here's the first time that happened on video, password Oliver2015. Even though he had this reaction he kept going with more pieces.

And finally, a couple randoms from the week hanging out in Eloise's teepee and on a run in the jog stroller. We've had some freezing weather this week and had to bundle up.