Then, we all bundled up and went outside to take it in. I think Oliver felt a little unsure and was not a fan of the cold, however, he did enjoy watching Eloise and other kids playing at the park. We also went on a walk around the neighborhood.
Oliver continues to expand his palette and this week he tried yogurt and quartered and peeled grapes. He works very hard on his pincer grasp and will get a piece in his hand and bring it to his mouth, try to shove it in, and end up sucking his thumb with the piece of food still clenched in his palm. It takes lots of effort and many attempts to get one piece of food in his mouth. He spends a lot of time sucking his thumb at mealtime and I'm not sure what that's about. I hold up a spoon of food for him to see and he'll often take his thumb out and open his mouth, but not always. It almost seems like the thumb-sucking helps him move the food from the front to the back of his mouth. I'm not intervening on it at this point in hopes he'll learn on his own.
I also let him try sucking from a pouch on his own instead of spoon feeding this week. There was just a little bit left in the pouch but I think he got it.
Bath time keeps getting more fun with Oliver and Eloise together. This week Eloise and Oliver worked on their splashing skills in preparation for today's swim lesson. The password to the video is Oliver2015.
Today is a big day for two reasons: first, Oliver turned 8 months old! And second, he had his first swim lesson. No photos as both kids were in lessons and both parents on duty, but I did get a photo of him in the car passed out afterward.
And finally, some randoms from the first snow day. Such a sweet face.
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