Monday, April 22, 2013

29 weeks: baby yawns

Baby now weighs somewhere between 2.5-3.5 lbs and is about 15-17" in length. She's long and lean. At this point she's continuing to work on putting on some weight and her bones are hardening. I need to make sure I'm getting lots of calcium for her. Researchers have speculated that babies can even dream at this point based on brain activity. I wonder what she would dream about? Meeting her mommy and daddy on the outside like we dream of meeting her?

We had our monthly growth ultrasound on Thursday and she's still right on track. In fact, she's measuring in the 82nd percentile for growth compared to other fetuses her age. Yikes! My OB thinks she had a growth spurt recently and she might not stay in that percentile. It's a relief that she's nice and healthy, though. During the ultrasound we saw her yawn! It was just like we yawn, a nice big one. I had no idea that a fetus could yawn. We got a couple pictures, as usual. They're both of her left profile.

Profile of her head:

The yawn, with some body parts pointed out for reference. This was much cuter in action:

We had a little scare this week with some mild contractions. I had been experiencing a very tight belly for several days, most of the day, and by the third day I thought I should let someone know. I called the advise nurse line and she said it could be nothing or it could be something, the only way to know was to go into labor and delivery and be monitored for a bit. I went in for an hour or so and they hooked me up to some sensors on my belly. I wasn't dilated at all so I was diagnosed with an irritable uterus. It's similar to Braxton Hicks except more intense. Apparently it's pretty harmless, although there is about a 10% higher risk of preterm labor with this condition. It can be caused by stress, dehydration, a full bladder, or physical strain. Laying down for a bit seems to be the cure. At first I had a pity party for myself imagining this level of discomfort and pain for another 11 weeks but then I remember how grateful I am for carrying her and anything I endure is worth it. 

As for me, I'm learning to master the art of squatting instead of bending over. Slip on shoes are my friend. Veiny boobs have arrived. And today I am retiring my running shoes in favor of walking shoes due to some serious pain in my symphysis pubis after a run to the point of having difficulty walking for the rest of the day. 

We toured and got on wait lists for a couple day cares this week. We tour another day care tomorrow and hope to tour a fourth one as well. It's a little distressing to not be able to get a guaranteed admittance until closer to our need date because it just depends on if there's an opening at that time. Both ones we've seen so far seem great.

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