Monday, April 29, 2013

30 weeks: counting kicks

Baby has doubled in height over the last six weeks and she won't get much longer. From now until delivery she'll focus on gaining weight at her own rate. She's swimming in about a pint and a half of amniotic fluid, and as she grows, the amniotic fluid will decrease. Right now she can move around a lot but that'll change as the pool drains and she runs out of room.

At the last prenatal appointment I got a card to start counting baby's movements. It was presented as an optional activity so we've only done it once so far. You write down the start time, wait until you feel baby move 10 times, and then write down the stop time. If you feel baby move less than 10 times in two hours then there's a problem. Baby moves plenty so I'm not at all concerned. The one time we did it she moved 10 times in less than 10 minutes. Evan was the counter and I was the timer. Sometimes her kicks and jabs are so strong my belly contorts in freakish ways. I keep meaning to get a video of that but haven't been successful yet. She gets hiccups once or twice a day usually, that doesn't count for movements, but she does wiggle around when she has the hiccups. I wonder if she gets sick of having the hiccups like we do.

The injury to my symphysis pubis that happened a week ago today ended up getting me laid up for a week, doctor's orders. Today is my last day staying home and off my feet and I'm really hoping to go back to work tomorrow. It has been so boring. I feel for people who get put on bed rest for weeks. I missed Erica's 40th birthday party, Nora's first birthday party, meeting Evan's out-of-town friends for a drink, and shopping at the Just Between Friends sale with Kellee. Not to mention the weather was so nice this weekend. It still hurts to walk but less so. I'm wearing the support belt all the time now. I'm such an idiot for doing this to myself. Pregnancy has been a humbling experience, that's for sure.

On the bright side, I have noticed that I am shedding way less than I did before I was pregnant. My hair is thicker and stronger. I used to end up with a handful of hair every time I combed conditioner through it in the shower and that doesn't happen anymore.


  1. Ha! great picture. I am glad you're feeling better and better! :)

  2. Yes, love this picture! Hope your first day at work goes well. Don;t be hard on yourself, Sarah! Everybody overdoes it at one poin or another while pregnant. We're used to pushing ourselves! Now you know to relax when you get a sign :) And now I know why people always say "Relax now while you can!" when you're at the end of pregnancy. You can just drop down in bed anytime at night for an hour or whatever. You'll be kissing that goodbye soon, but for a whole new awesome reason!
