Monday, May 6, 2013

31 weeks: baby is the size of a watermelon

Whoa, watermelon?? Another website says baby is the size of a pineapple now. Both big fruits! Not much to report with baby's development this week, she's basically just putting on the cute baby chub. She moves a lot and she's really strong. We've done kick counts three times now and her new record is 10 movements in 3 minutes. I can feel her body very easily through my belly although I don't know what's what. I can tell a big body part (head or hiney?) from a little body part (hand or foot?), and I think I can tell her back, but that's about it. Each week I feel her movements higher and higher as my uterus grows up and up. Check out this diagram from for what baby looks like this week in  the belly:
Aside from calling the baby "fat," I'm struck by how huge that baby is, and picture that going on inside me. Crazy. And there's still a couple more months left. My placenta is in the back, though, which is why it's so easy to feel the little munchkin. 

As for me, honestly, I'm pretty uncomfortable these days between a painful symphysis pubis and daily contractions with the irritable uterus. I don't even pay much attention to the minor aches and discomforts of pregnancy. I could easily write a whiney book about this but I won't. The bottom line is that baby is healthy and this is temporary for me. I will say I would not mind going into labor early as long as baby is fully baked. 

My hormones seem to have kicked into a higher gear since entering into third trimester. I cry all. the. time. Last Thursday I was pulling into the parking garage at work when Elton John's Rocket Man came on the Pandora station. I don't like Elton John and thought to myself, "No! This CAN'T be the last song I hear before work!" And cue tears. Seriously? I have lost it.

Oh, here's a new one. Yesterday we had friends over for brunch with their 8 month old baby. So fun, by the way. We did a pancake bar and ate out on the deck, it was such nice weather. At the end of their visit their baby crying inconsolably. Later I noticed my boobs leaked colostrum for the first time. A little icky, but hopefully that means the plumbing is working! It's funny because she suggested earlier that I start pumping before baby is born to start stocking up a supply. I think I need some time to wrap my brain around that one, but maybe I will!


  1. only 9 weeks left! I can't believe how soon we'll get to meet your baby girl. Very exciting. :)

  2. I have thought of you crying because of "Rocket Man" a couple of times and I have to say that it's really brightened my week. But also, sorry that happened. Hormones are just nutty! You have a great attitude about it all
