Thursday, August 15, 2013

6 weeks old: sleep & moving up a clothing size

We achieved a new record in sleep this week. Last night was the fifth night in a row that Eloise slept over five hours! From about 10:00 PM to 3:00 or 4:00 AM. The first night I awoke at the time she would usually eat to find her still soundly sleeping. I spent the next couple hours watching her to make sure she was still breathing. She was. The last four nights I was able to enjoy the extra sleep myself. That first stretch of sleep she is mostly silent. And then the next stretch from about 3:00 or 4:00 AM until 6:00 or 7:00 AM she makes a LOT of noises. Growling, squeaking, grunting, sometimes what sounds like a giggle. I look over at her and her eyes are closed and she's not moving. Is she dreaming?

This is week old news, but Eloise has moved up a clothing size from newborn to 0-3 months. This provides a whole new batch of clothing. Pictured above she is wearing a frilly outfit from Evan's coworker. She is also finally fitting into some socks now, too. Pictured below she is sporting some baby Jordans from her aunt Julie.
Eloise and I get out of the house at least once a day, and often that one time is a walk in the neighborhood. She falls asleep every time. We both really like getting out in this nice summer weather and getting in a little exercise.

We also have a couple contraptions for Eloise to ride along strapped to one of us. It's called baby wearing and it's all the rage now. Over the weekend we walked to Milo's City Cafe down the street for breakfast and Evan wore her in a front carrier. It seems to be her favorite one, although she has an expiration for being in any baby wearing contraption. I guess she needs her space sometimes. Well, that's not true. She'll let us hold her without a contraption all day long, we just need to switch positions periodically.

The pears in our yard are ready to pick now, and Evan picked a batch about a week ago and we put them in a paper bag to ripen. This week I pureed four and froze them in an ice cube tray for Eloise to eat when she is eating solids in a few months. I think it's neat she can eat something we grew. Hopefully she likes pears.

Today we had a play date with Erica and Terri's kids at Erica's house. The four kids are 3.5, 1.5, almost 1, and 6 weeks. It was sweet to see the older kids interacting and playing together. This was Eloise's first time around a group of kids and I think she got a little overwhelmed and overstimulated. She jumped at every loud noise and was fussy more than usual. Soon she will be just as active as the older kids. She will look up to them I'm sure. I meant to get photos but I totally forgot. I'm sure we'll have more opportunities with that crew.

1 comment:

  1. both of my kids adored pears, Eloise is lucky to have homegrown!

    My two are noisy, it was a lot for little Eloise to take in. She did great and it was so fun to see her again.

    Love the air jordans!
