Thursday, August 22, 2013

7 weeks old: pediatrician and bath time

A smile afterglow smirk. Didn't get the camera in time for the big smile.

Eloise had her first set of vaccinations at the pediatrician's office yesterday. I'm not sure who cried more: her or me. We tried a new lady that came recommended: Dr. Kimberly Luft (bio linked). We really like her. When I contacted her to ask a question before we ever met, she consulted with a specialist before she answered. That tells me she operates within her scope of practice and her ego doesn't get in the way of using all the resources she has available to provide her patients with the best care possible. She also had a very caring and gentle demeanor and seemed very present with us during our appointment. Not hurried at all, she asked us several times if we had any more questions or wanted to talk about anything else. So far she seems to be a good choice to trust with the care of our most precious Eloise.  

Eloise's stats at 7 weeks: 
23.25" height (95th percentile)
9 lb 10 oz weight (28th percentile)
15" head circumference (65th percentile)

Dr. Luft thinks she's in the middle of a growth spurt. Maybe she grew in height first and will fill out in weight next. I'm trying not to have mommy guilt that she's not getting enough to eat. Her doctor isn't worried so I shouldn't be either. Anywhere between the 15th and 95th percentile is healthy and normal.

A ritual we really enjoy around here is bath time. Okay, I wouldn't say Eloise enjoys it, but she's getting there. We use Burt's Bees Baby Shampoo and Wash. It smells so good I can't stop smelling her head. Here are a few snapshots from bath time this week:
Splish splash

A snuggle in the towel

And into the jam-jams

I noticed something Eloise and I have in common. I already knew she had my long toes right away. I didn't know she could spread them like me though:

So cute!


  1. I love the after bath babies! They are just so snuggly. She sure looks like her daddy in the first picture. Way to grow Eloise!

  2. The second picture, I love her expression! Eloise is really changing!
