Eloise continues to enjoy pulling up to stand and reaching things that she couldn't before. It's a whole new world. She has also figured out how to side step along furniture and transfer from one piece of furniture to another. She has let go a couple times for a second and then quickly plopped down to sitting.
Eloise is now self-feeding at every meal and snack, she's up to three meals and a snack every day. Meals are usually a puree plus a finger food. Sometimes a puree plus a stick of something. For example, this morning she had yogurt with fruit and oatmeal mixed in and then some toast fingers. When she's had enough of whatever she's eating, she enjoys throwing it on the floor and then hanging over the edge of the high chair to look at it.
There's my toast
It's so fun to try new foods with Eloise. You don't know what her reaction will be. It's like unwrapping a gift, you don't know what's inside and it's exciting. A new veggie and lentil recipe this week got two thumbs down, so I repurposed it into a fish stew for Evan and I. But Eloise tried and enjoyed raspberries and blackberries that were frozen from last year's farmers market.
Berry liptstick
Getting messier
Followed by a naked cheese course
We've had some nice weather recently so I took Eloise on our first jog with the jog stroller. We went on a bike path along the river so it would be less stressful and nice views. I wonder what Eloise thought about the faster pace. She seemed to like it just the same as when we go for walks. It was pretty grueling for me! And nice to be able to combine enjoyable activities for both of us.
There were some sock shenanigans
Lastly, some randoms from the week:
Happy supported standing
She's so darn cute!
Baby's first photo bomb
I love the toast throwing! How cute is she?!