Wednesday, April 23, 2014

42 weeks old: Easter, dancing, and cruising

Sunday was Eloise's first Easter. We don't attend church and Eloise is too young to understand the Easter bunny, so we didn't do much to celebrate. We did made a special breakfast of whole wheat banana walnut pancakes, put on our Easter best, and went for a nice morning stroll. It was a sunny morning so everyone was in good spirits.

The five days a week that Eloise is not at daycare her life has a soundtrack. I have music on almost every waking hour and Eloise definitely has her favorite songs. This week I noticed that she stops what she's doing and grooves when certain songs come on. One is Elizabeth Mitchell's Alphabet Dub. 
Sometimes I just bop

Other times I get fancy with my moves

Eloise has zero interest in walking while holding onto fingers. When I try she bends her knees to sit down. However, she does do a lot of cruising around the furniture.

Despite cruising around furniture, Eloise still needs to crawl to get from place to place. Her pirate-style army crawl with one hand and one elbow has turned into a pirate-style regular crawl with one knee and one foot. Click this link and enter the password Eloise2014 for a video montage.

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