Saturday, October 31, 2015

25 weeks old: solids and first Halloween

Oliver is 25 weeks old now and here he is about to eat his first bite of solid food: oatmeal. He was pretty excited to be sitting in the high chair at the table with us! His first few bites he seemed to like it and shortly after that he let me know he was DONE. Here's a video of his first couple bites. The password is Oliver2015.

A few days later he had mashed bananas, which looked like this. He seems to mostly be getting used to moving food around in his mouth and a lot of it comes back out.
 PS - I love that bib, which was a gift from his Aunt Shelly.

This week is Halloween week so the kids' music class had a costume day. Oliver was a dragon. Here he is waiting for class to start.

And in the stroller leaving class.

Today is Halloween, and I was hoping to take the kids trick-or-treating on Alberta to some local businesses but it was pouring rain. So then I was going to take them to the mall but Oliver took an extra long nap and we missed it. Instead, I dressed them up and took pictures in the living room. Eloise broke her antennae so her backup costume was a hula girl.

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