Saturday, November 7, 2015

26 weeks: the letter D and on knees

Oliver is 26 weeks old today and officially halfway to a year old. Oliver shares a room with his sister, Eloise, and I often find that there have been shenanigans between them. One morning this week I walked in and found Oliver like this and Eloise exclaimed, "I help Oliver!" She was trying to get him ready for the day. Obviously that included getting into the crib with him. It's sweet and also a little worrisome.

This week Oliver also started saying the letter "d" in the form of babbling "dadada" with a lot of enthusiasm. It's the cutest thing. He throws in a laugh here and there, too. I wonder if he is imitating conversation. I captured a bit on video, the password is Oliver 2015.

We've all caught a cold this week with sore throats and runny noses. I think Oliver might also be having some teething pain to top it off. He's had some pretty inconsolable moments that were only remedied by Tylenol. Poor thing. One day was especially low key and he slept a lot and also we hung out on the couch snuggled under a blanket watching TV before bed.

And just sharing one other random from the week during bath time.

And finally, once in a while Oliver will push himself up on his knees for a brief moment. I happen to catch it just now on video, password Oliver2015.

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