Saturday, February 6, 2016

39 weeks old: straw cup and trying to crawl

Sweet Oliver came down with a cold this week; it's the second cold he has ever had. The first cold was right when he came home from the hospital as a newborn. He has a pretty bad cough and runny nose and it's so sad to see and hear. He has been sleeping with a humidifier in his room. On one of the first days he had trouble napping so I tried letting him sleep on me and it worked. I got to have some sweet baby snuggles as a result.

After that day he has slept extra long at nap times and night time. His little body must be working hard to fight off the cold. Today is day five of it.

Despite the cold, Oliver continues to be full of smiles. This kid just seems so happy to be alive. Here he is playing and smiling.

Even at swim lessons he was in good spirits. He seems to be getting more comfortable in the water. Here he is on deck while his sister is in her lesson.

While Oliver isn't crawling yet, he does seem to want to be more mobile. When he's sitting and wants something he has figured out how to *almost* get in a crawling position. One leg gets stuck under him and then he gets frustrated.

Although even if I help him get to all fours he still can't go anywhere. He rocks and then propels himself reaching forward and ends up on his belly. It's almost like he's hoping he'll take off flying. It's adorable. When I think about the months ticking by seemingly so fast, I realize he will be walking in just a few months time. That's so hard to imagine but I know it's true. He'll be chasing after his sister in no time and that will be a whole new ballgame. I better get ready with some new parenting skills for the sibling relationship!

I forgot to mention a couple weeks ago that Oliver can drink from a straw cup now! I was surprised how quickly he acquired the skill. He figured it out on the second try. Here's a video of him the day he first drank from a straw cup. The password is Oliver2015.

Speaking of videos, I think it's the best how simple things like bubbles make the kids go crazy with excitement. Here's Oliver watching bubbles while his sister catches them. Same password.

And finally, it's so cool seeing Oliver remember things from our daily routine and anticipate them. The other day I realized he was getting excited to get his sister up in the morning because we do it every day. As we approach her door he starts to pant and squeal. Same password with this video, too.

Oliver Waking Sister from Sarah Zuber on Vimeo.

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