Hmmmm, what can I say about Oliver? His chatter is getting a little more varied in sounds, rhythm, and intonations. He copies sounds that we make sometimes. For example, when I brush Eloise's teeth she says "ahhhhhh" and little Oliver echoes, "ahhhhh." He enjoys banging his hands on the table and banging object on the table or floor. He is nursing less and eating more solid foods. Some days he goes without a morning nap, usually only when we're out and about at his sister's activities or at library story time. He sort of scoots around but not really in an intentional way. If he sees a toy he wants out of reach, he'll just reach and reach and sort of stretch and kick his way over. We're working more on supported standing and hopefully he'll be pulling up to standing on his own by 10 months old, because if he isn't then his pediatrician may want to do some sort of intervention. Yikes! Come on Oliver, let's do this! A lot can change in a few weeks. Heck, a lot can change in a day!
Oliver still really shows a preference to hang onto me, so in order to get him on something else it has to be really interesting. Enter his sister and his reflection.
And a video, password Oliver2016.
And finally, it was National Toast Day this week and Oliver celebrated with a toast finger made from bread his sister and I made earlier in the week.
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