Saturday, March 5, 2016

43 weeks old: making music

Oliver sure does love bath time with his sister! He's all smiles every time.

Oliver continues to work on his supported standing. He seems to prefer standing even when being held and pushes his legs to stand up. While he is not yet crawling, I know he can go from a laying position to sitting because I have walked into his room to find him sitting. Here he is getting a peek out of his bedroom window after his afternoon nap.

I have mentioned before that Oliver gets really excited when we get his sister up in the morning. He squeals and giggles when we knock on her door and go in. He is almost star struck by her. Here they are hanging out in her bed one morning. These two together just fill my heart with so much joy.

Speaking of siblings, Oliver also adores his other "big sister," Gertie. When we come down the stairs from a nap to find her in the living room, he squeals upon sight. They had a sweet tummy time moment on his blanket one day this week, until he reached over and grabbed her paw. Gertie is so patient and gentle with the kids but when The Grab happened she had to be going.

Oliver seems to be able to actively participate in some things a little more these days. This week he played an egg shaker and a drum on command with Eloise and I. We could make a family band. The password to the videos is Oliver2016.

In other news, we went to one of our favorite restaurants near our house this week, Petisco, and they had crayons and paper! This was never the case before, so now we can count it among our kid-friendly regular spots. Hurray!

1 comment:

  1. Great pics this week.. Love the one with Oliver looking out the window
