Saturday, April 30, 2016

51 weeks old: baby bath tub graduate and clapping

This kid. Look at him peeking out of the tub with his sweet little eyes. I cannot. Since Oliver's new trick in the bath tub last week, which he started doing nonstop, he has graduated from the baby tub to the big tub. Now he's in there sitting right next to his sister. This is very exciting for him as he now has unobstructed access to Eloise and mauls her. We're working on that. Before the mauling happened I was able to snap a couple adorable pictures. These two are just the cutest.

In other big news, Oliver started clapping! He has been banging two toys together for months so I know he had the coordination but for some reason this feels different. Eloise and I have been working on trying to get him to clap for the past couple weeks. I got it on video, password Oliver2016. Doesn't he look proud?

We all went out to brunch with a dear friend, Erica, and her daughter, Nora, to celebrate Erica's birthday yesterday. I think Oliver loved sitting by his sister and watching the two girls.

Oliver is wearing his Blazer onesie today to celebrate the Blazer first round playoff win last night.

And finally, this one reminds me of someone else I know...

Saturday, April 23, 2016

50 weeks old: first hike, tunnel crawling, and playing with big sister

It's hard to believe that Oliver is a couple weeks away from turning one! We went to visit a friend's new baby this week and seeing them next to each other reminded me how much he has grown. He has been in 12-18 month clothing for a couple months now and recently outgrew the diaper covers that his sister wore until she was potty trained. He babbles loudly, smiles and laughs a lot, crawls all over the place (at home only), pulls up to knees and feet, self-feeds like a champ, and loves to hang on tight to his mommy.

This week we had some more sunny days and on Sunday went for his first hike at Lower Macleay trail in Forest Park. It's a lovely hike for little ones along a stream with a few little water falls and bridges. We stopped at a little stone house and had a picnic before we turned back. Oliver rode in the backpack carrier and took it all in from his perch while his sister led the way on the trail.

Oliver can also handle food pouches and a straw cup all by himself now, and is practicing with a spoon. I'm surprised at his improvement in coordination! Sometimes these things just suddenly click.

In other outdoor fun this week, Oliver spent some time in the backyard pool for the first time and we also went to the park. I think the pool was a little to cold for his liking but he liked sliding down the double slide next to his sister (assisted, of course). Eloise also rode her little balance bike on the sidewalk one day and Oliver can be seen in the background crawling to catch up.

Later in the week the weather turned rainy again so we spent time indoors. Oliver and Eloise have a new game where Eloise lays on the floor and Oliver "gets her" by crawling on top of her. Here's a video, password Oliver2016.

Oliver also crawled through the tunnel in the basement a couple times this week for the first time. He's a little apprehensive about it! Password Oliver2016.

And finally, a new trick this week. Eek, sit down!

Saturday, April 16, 2016

49 weeks old: little explorer

This guy is getting more courageous in his explorations away from me at home. Mornings after breakfast are his best time of day. He has play time on the floor and is busy, busy, busy crawling around to visit everywhere he can access.

He really likes the kid gate and can pull it out from behind the door.

Just this week he discovered the stairs. He can't climb them yet but I can see his little wheels turning trying to figure out how.

He has been getting his legs involved and engaged a little bit more lately. I feel like he is on the verge of pulling himself up to standing a whole lot more. It's almost like he wants to stand up and start walking.

Why didn't I think of this entertainment?

And one more of Eloise reading to Oliver. Be still my heart. These sibling moments are amazing.

Saturday, April 9, 2016

48 weeks old: 11 months old and officially weaned

Oliver is 11 months old today! He's a crawling machine and has gotten a lot more coordinated with it. He is venturing further away from me than ever to go explore. I am starting to see the challenge of two kids going in two different directions. He pulls himself up on his knees a lot  but rarely all the way to standing. Although he does like supported standing. Once in a while he gets focused on handling a toy and lets go for a second. I feel like unsupported standing and walking are going to come after his first birthday but we'll see. Here he is in motion crawling toward me this morning:

This week we had a play date with Eloise's friends on Monday and two of the little brothers came - Wallace and Benjamin. I got some pictures of Oliver with Ben who was born two weeks after him. Oliver just sat there looking at him for a while. I wonder if they'll be buddies.

Well, it's official as of a few days ago, Oliver has weaned himself and is done nursing. He refused nursing in favor of the bottle more and more until finally one day he was done and my milk supply was gone. Never in a million years did I see it playing out this way. It turned out he had his own plan and it didn't match mine. So now, for the last month of his first year, he is drinking formula out of a bottle. I'm learning how expensive formula really is - $33/can that is consumed in three days - and I'm grateful I was able to nurse as long as I did for each child. When he turns one we'll wean from the bottle and switch to almond milk or whole milk, whichever he'll drink, out of a straw cup.

And finally, Gertie is also adjusting to a mobile Oliver. Oliver loves Gertie and is very excited to be around her. Sometimes I think Gertie just wants to lay in her bed and have a break but Oliver crawls into her bed with her.

Saturday, April 2, 2016

47 weeks old: first Easter, nice weather, and pulling to stand

It was an exciting week around here, kicking off with Easter and followed by a stretch of a few sunny and warm days. Oliver has been sick with a bad cold for exactly three weeks now but finally seems to be improving. I was close to calling the doctor but since he's improving now I won't. Poor little guy. He has spent most of February and March sick. But that doesn't stop him from smiling! 

Oliver tagged along on an Easter egg hunt at a local children's bookstore called Green Bean Books on Easter morning. Evan volunteers helping small businesses in the neighborhood with Alberta Main Street. I think Oliver enjoyed watching all the kids look for eggs in the small yard, then story time on the patio, then a live bunny came out. Next year he'll be able to participate more and that's when we'll start an Easter basket, too. Here he is during story time. 

After the egg hunt we went down the street to Radio Room to have breakfast. He seemed especially happy at the table and walking to the car afterward.

One day this week while I was cooking dinner, Oliver and Eloise were cracking each other up on the kitchen floor. It was the sweetest exchange and I tried to discreetly capture it on video but Eloise noticed and came over to see. I did get a little, the password is Oliver2016.

We had a few days in a row of unusually nice weather so we made an effort to get outside a lot. Three of the days we had a picnic lunch. We also got some good park time in. And, Oliver's second trip to the zoo. There was a tiger loose in the zoo that day.

Oh wait, that's Oliver. Here are a few more pictures of our picnics, zoo visit, and park trips.

Oliver continues to hone his crawling skills and is really getting around to explore things now. It has been a game changer, especially for Eloise, because now he can crawl over and take toys. We don't have a shred of carpet in our house, just a couple area rugs, so the floors are slippery to crawl on in pants. I think that's why Oliver has started to do a peg leg crawl at times. I got a video - Oliver2016 is the password.

Oliver is also pulling up to stand as of yesterday! He did it using me on the floor at library story time. I captured a couple photos of his efforts earlier in the week though. It's hard to see but he is doing a chin-up on the coffee table.

And finally, a cute photo and video from this morning. I was trying to see if I could get him to wave but instead I got some adorable babbling.