It was an exciting week around here, kicking off with Easter and followed by a stretch of a few sunny and warm days. Oliver has been sick with a bad cold for exactly three weeks now but finally seems to be improving. I was close to calling the doctor but since he's improving now I won't. Poor little guy. He has spent most of February and March sick. But that doesn't stop him from smiling!
Oliver tagged along on an Easter egg hunt at a local children's bookstore called Green Bean Books on Easter morning. Evan volunteers helping small businesses in the neighborhood with Alberta Main Street. I think Oliver enjoyed watching all the kids look for eggs in the small yard, then story time on the patio, then a live bunny came out. Next year he'll be able to participate more and that's when we'll start an Easter basket, too. Here he is during story time.
After the egg hunt we went down the street to Radio Room to have breakfast. He seemed especially happy at the table and walking to the car afterward.
One day this week while I was cooking dinner, Oliver and Eloise were cracking each other up on the kitchen floor. It was the sweetest exchange and I tried to discreetly capture it on video but Eloise noticed and came over to see. I did get a little, the password is Oliver2016.
We had a few days in a row of unusually nice weather so we made an effort to get outside a lot. Three of the days we had a picnic lunch. We also got some good park time in. And, Oliver's second trip to the zoo. There was a tiger loose in the zoo that day.
Oh wait, that's Oliver. Here are a few more pictures of our picnics, zoo visit, and park trips.
Oliver continues to hone his crawling skills and is really getting around to explore things now. It has been a game changer, especially for Eloise, because now he can crawl over and take toys. We don't have a shred of carpet in our house, just a couple area rugs, so the floors are slippery to crawl on in pants. I think that's why Oliver has started to do a peg leg crawl at times. I got a video - Oliver2016 is the password.
Oliver is also pulling up to stand as of yesterday! He did it using me on the floor at library story time. I captured a couple photos of his efforts earlier in the week though. It's hard to see but he is doing a chin-up on the coffee table.
And finally, a cute photo and video from this morning. I was trying to see if I could get him to wave but instead I got some adorable babbling.
So many good pictures this week. Love the chin ups!