Saturday, April 23, 2016

50 weeks old: first hike, tunnel crawling, and playing with big sister

It's hard to believe that Oliver is a couple weeks away from turning one! We went to visit a friend's new baby this week and seeing them next to each other reminded me how much he has grown. He has been in 12-18 month clothing for a couple months now and recently outgrew the diaper covers that his sister wore until she was potty trained. He babbles loudly, smiles and laughs a lot, crawls all over the place (at home only), pulls up to knees and feet, self-feeds like a champ, and loves to hang on tight to his mommy.

This week we had some more sunny days and on Sunday went for his first hike at Lower Macleay trail in Forest Park. It's a lovely hike for little ones along a stream with a few little water falls and bridges. We stopped at a little stone house and had a picnic before we turned back. Oliver rode in the backpack carrier and took it all in from his perch while his sister led the way on the trail.

Oliver can also handle food pouches and a straw cup all by himself now, and is practicing with a spoon. I'm surprised at his improvement in coordination! Sometimes these things just suddenly click.

In other outdoor fun this week, Oliver spent some time in the backyard pool for the first time and we also went to the park. I think the pool was a little to cold for his liking but he liked sliding down the double slide next to his sister (assisted, of course). Eloise also rode her little balance bike on the sidewalk one day and Oliver can be seen in the background crawling to catch up.

Later in the week the weather turned rainy again so we spent time indoors. Oliver and Eloise have a new game where Eloise lays on the floor and Oliver "gets her" by crawling on top of her. Here's a video, password Oliver2016.

Oliver also crawled through the tunnel in the basement a couple times this week for the first time. He's a little apprehensive about it! Password Oliver2016.

And finally, a new trick this week. Eek, sit down!

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