Monday, November 30, 2015

29 weeks old: first Thanksgiving and first trip to Phoenix

Oliver is 29 weeks old and is sitting, babbling, trying new foods, and working on using his hands to grasp and turn things over and bring them to his mouth. He has also started assuming the butt up position while sleeping in his crib. His sister is his favorite entertainment and cracks him up all the time. He's snuggly and smiley and I could eat him up.

We traveled to Phoenix to spend Thanksgiving with family there and he got to meet two more aunts and four more cousins. His grandma got him a mustache pacifier, which is ridiculous and adorable. He still doesn't take a pacifier but she held it in his mouth for a photo opp.

This year Oliver's Aunt Teresa hosted Thanksgiving at her house. The usual suspects were there minus cousin Emily who was traveling in Guatemala. We got a picture of the cousins who were present on the couch. From left to right that's Cory, Eloise, Matteja, Aidan, Drew, and Oliver.

The next day we visited Aunt Jill and cousins Matteja and Aidan at their new house. Matteja read to the kids and Aidan had the great idea to go on a wagon walk.

OliverSwing from Sarah Zuber on Vimeo.

Saturday we met up at a park near Grandma's house. Oliver had some firsts there, including first time down a slide on mommy's lap, first time on a rocking horse with Aidan, and first time in a bucket swing. Unfortunately the swing scared him and I got it on video (password Oliver2015).

Afterward we met up with Aunt Teresa and Grandma at her house for lunch and hanging out for the afternoon. Matteja fed Oliver a couple bites of pureed carrots. Aidan declined but watched very intently. He seemed to take a special interest in Oliver and pronounced him his "mini me" when we were saying goodbyes. *melt*

Sunday, November 22, 2015

28 weeks old: check up and holiday photos

Oliver is 28 weeks old and is sitting like an old pro. He doesn't know how to get into or out of a sitting position yet, so he gets frustrated when he is stuck sitting and wants out. Sometimes he manages to topple himself over but it doesn't seem like it's on purpose. As we approach the holidays, I decided to copy an idea I saw on Pinterest and I made a top hat and scarf out of felt to dress Oliver as Frosty the Snowman. I drew on the carrot nose and coal buttons with face paint. I think he's way cuter than the actual Frosty.

This week Oliver had his 6 month well child visit with the doctor. He got some vaccinations and a thorough exam and was pronounced healthy. His weight gain is outpacing his growth in height so the  doctor said he's getting "stockier."

Height: 27.25" (72%)
Weight: 16 lbs. 11 oz. (30%)
Head circumference: 17.2" (57%)

Oliver continues to try new foods and this week it was persimmon and avocado, both from our local organic produce delivery service, Organics to You. So far there hasn't been a food he has refused.

And finally, we had family holiday photos taken by the same photographer that did them last year. This year we chose to have them taken at the Hoyt Arboretum. It was a cold day, but dry, and we found a spot with good light and beautiful tall pine trees. We took a few of just Oliver to serve as his 6 month photos. Here's my favorite:

And here's a couple more that didn't make it into the holiday card. Oliver looked so cute in his flannel shirt and newsboy hat!

Saturday, November 14, 2015

27 weeks old: 6 month birthday, PT graduation, and a new (old) toy

Happy 6 month birthday to this little cutie! And look at him sit there. "Look ma, no hands!" I'm so proud of him. And I can't believe how time is flying. So much changing and growing happening every week. He is such a joy. And he and his sister together... my heart overflows. Oliver is so interested in Eloise, and Eloise is so sweet to Oliver. I'm so lucky to have these two.

In other exciting news, Oliver graduated from physical therapy! He no longer has a flat spot on his head nor tilts to the right. Thank goodness. The only lasting effect he may have from being breech is his right ear is slightly more forward than his left. It is imperceptible and may only be noticed if he wears glasses, and that is only if it doesn't correct on its own anyway. Oliver had a wonderful pediatric physical therapist named April Milan. She has a doctorate in physical therapy and was amazing with Oliver. And, coincidentally, we have a mutual friend! Here are April and Oliver together on his last day of physical therapy.

As Oliver grows it has been fun to see him wearing, using, and playing with things his big sister had. This week I got out the Jumperoo and his face was priceless. I got it on video and the password is Oliver2015.

OliverJumpToy from Sarah Zuber on Vimeo.

Saturday, November 7, 2015

26 weeks: the letter D and on knees

Oliver is 26 weeks old today and officially halfway to a year old. Oliver shares a room with his sister, Eloise, and I often find that there have been shenanigans between them. One morning this week I walked in and found Oliver like this and Eloise exclaimed, "I help Oliver!" She was trying to get him ready for the day. Obviously that included getting into the crib with him. It's sweet and also a little worrisome.

This week Oliver also started saying the letter "d" in the form of babbling "dadada" with a lot of enthusiasm. It's the cutest thing. He throws in a laugh here and there, too. I wonder if he is imitating conversation. I captured a bit on video, the password is Oliver 2015.

We've all caught a cold this week with sore throats and runny noses. I think Oliver might also be having some teething pain to top it off. He's had some pretty inconsolable moments that were only remedied by Tylenol. Poor thing. One day was especially low key and he slept a lot and also we hung out on the couch snuggled under a blanket watching TV before bed.

And just sharing one other random from the week during bath time.

And finally, once in a while Oliver will push himself up on his knees for a brief moment. I happen to catch it just now on video, password Oliver2015.