Monday, November 30, 2015

29 weeks old: first Thanksgiving and first trip to Phoenix

Oliver is 29 weeks old and is sitting, babbling, trying new foods, and working on using his hands to grasp and turn things over and bring them to his mouth. He has also started assuming the butt up position while sleeping in his crib. His sister is his favorite entertainment and cracks him up all the time. He's snuggly and smiley and I could eat him up.

We traveled to Phoenix to spend Thanksgiving with family there and he got to meet two more aunts and four more cousins. His grandma got him a mustache pacifier, which is ridiculous and adorable. He still doesn't take a pacifier but she held it in his mouth for a photo opp.

This year Oliver's Aunt Teresa hosted Thanksgiving at her house. The usual suspects were there minus cousin Emily who was traveling in Guatemala. We got a picture of the cousins who were present on the couch. From left to right that's Cory, Eloise, Matteja, Aidan, Drew, and Oliver.

The next day we visited Aunt Jill and cousins Matteja and Aidan at their new house. Matteja read to the kids and Aidan had the great idea to go on a wagon walk.

OliverSwing from Sarah Zuber on Vimeo.

Saturday we met up at a park near Grandma's house. Oliver had some firsts there, including first time down a slide on mommy's lap, first time on a rocking horse with Aidan, and first time in a bucket swing. Unfortunately the swing scared him and I got it on video (password Oliver2015).

Afterward we met up with Aunt Teresa and Grandma at her house for lunch and hanging out for the afternoon. Matteja fed Oliver a couple bites of pureed carrots. Aidan declined but watched very intently. He seemed to take a special interest in Oliver and pronounced him his "mini me" when we were saying goodbyes. *melt*

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