Sunday, November 22, 2015

28 weeks old: check up and holiday photos

Oliver is 28 weeks old and is sitting like an old pro. He doesn't know how to get into or out of a sitting position yet, so he gets frustrated when he is stuck sitting and wants out. Sometimes he manages to topple himself over but it doesn't seem like it's on purpose. As we approach the holidays, I decided to copy an idea I saw on Pinterest and I made a top hat and scarf out of felt to dress Oliver as Frosty the Snowman. I drew on the carrot nose and coal buttons with face paint. I think he's way cuter than the actual Frosty.

This week Oliver had his 6 month well child visit with the doctor. He got some vaccinations and a thorough exam and was pronounced healthy. His weight gain is outpacing his growth in height so the  doctor said he's getting "stockier."

Height: 27.25" (72%)
Weight: 16 lbs. 11 oz. (30%)
Head circumference: 17.2" (57%)

Oliver continues to try new foods and this week it was persimmon and avocado, both from our local organic produce delivery service, Organics to You. So far there hasn't been a food he has refused.

And finally, we had family holiday photos taken by the same photographer that did them last year. This year we chose to have them taken at the Hoyt Arboretum. It was a cold day, but dry, and we found a spot with good light and beautiful tall pine trees. We took a few of just Oliver to serve as his 6 month photos. Here's my favorite:

And here's a couple more that didn't make it into the holiday card. Oliver looked so cute in his flannel shirt and newsboy hat!

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